Monday, September 19, 2005

Hello!!! My firt day at school was very good because I didn't go to school. my firt class is englihs and is very isteresting. i think that I'll have to be used to the routine. Either we had been a few days and or we have duties, is normal the bad thing is that soon we will have exams. The good thing of all this is that you become to find with your friends of always in addition this year have come two new children Gillem and Vera. Gillem is likeable but with then not spoken side and I cannot a of cir nothing.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The party of the village era very borrow. I don’t like party of hear.
The 30 of agost my parents, Maria and I are going to Valencia.
In the village is very cold.
I alter of the amusement park are going to hotel.
The following day my aunt Amparo and I are going to go shopping.
I bought two trousers and four T-shirts.

Today day 22-8-05 my grand father, my grandmother,
David and I are going to Cuenca.
Cuenca is in Castilla La Mancha, is smaller than Valencia.
My grandfather buys to me one trousers it’s of colour orange.