Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

it is born in 1852 - it dies in 1934
1866 initiates the studies of medicine preparation. It was infected of paludismo and disentería in Cuba.
1875 also marked the beginning of the doctorate of Cajal and its scientific vocation.
It makes doctorate examinations in Madrid.
One is interested in the histología and it buys his first microscope in order to create a histología laboratory.
It gained the chair of Descriptive Anatomy of the Medicine Faculty of the University of Valencia in 1883,
where it could study the rage epidemic.
1891, Intensifica its works on the embryonic development of the nervous system.
1906, are given to the Nobel prize de Fisiologi'a and Medicina to him.
It discovered the degeneration of the nervous system and I investigate east system.

Friday, May 26, 2006


There are many bullying types, some of them are:
Physical, psychological, verbal (it is the most habitual), social, etc. Everything begins with jokes that leave making more and more heavy and cruel, they sometimes end up hitting. If you suffer bullying, what you have to make is to be it to your parents, friends, professors, etc. The or the boys that attack to other, look for an inferior and defenseless person to them. They should be superior in force, in the social thing or in psychological.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I think that the problem between Palestinian and the Israelis are:
At the beginning of this conflict Palestinian and the Israelis coexisted together, but the Palestinians threw to the Israelis leaving them without house and work.
After four centuries the Israelis returned to recover their earth heaving to the Palestinians without houses since they did with them.
Now the Israelis also count on the aid of America.
Israelis have arms of all type and Palestine only has stones.
this film y like very much because I have been able to see what this there happening.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Nepal's Kingdom, located in the Himalaya, is the only Hindu Kingdom of the world.
The population has been revealed against the king. after all the deaths that they have had the population it has achieved the king to accept the democracy that the whole population wanted I think that people become of having freedom (democracy) after having suffered so much while it governed the dictatorship and also living in the poverty.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


For me carcassone is a beautiful city.
This interchange is better that i could have done , because I have been lucky with the French that I have touched.
I think that have lot luck of i can to tavel to other countries wiht my friends.
the family that had.

I put this potho for you can to see to my correspondant.

Human Rights

A person can't be, exchanged or sold, ill-treated, tortured, etc. Also human rights, are normally divided in two categories:negative rights and positive rights . If you don't fulfill the human rights you can be taken to jail for several years.

the HUMAN RIGHTS web page.