Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the five senses (olfaction)

The olfaction is the organ for which the scents are perceived.
The olfaction is one in the ways that have to know about our world.
In the beings human this sense is not very developed.
However, they possess among 10 and 20 million cells
that pick up the scents and it allows them to distinguish
between 2 thousand and 4 thousand classes of different scents.
After perceiving the scent of during a while, the sense
of the olfaction gets tired and it doesn't smell anything.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The committee is an organization of twelve Schools in the world:
- tow of Portugal
- one of Holland
- three of valencia
- tow of France
- tow of Denmark
- tow of Germany

eurobite is the name of this encounter (of this year).

It will be in Denmark, we will do music with rhythms (heart's music).

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

¡¡¡We will go to Denmark in May!!!

we are preparing everything for the commitee
(the name of this year is eurobate)
All of eurobate’s performances are songs of
musical rhythms, and we are making a cumbia.
i like very much this project because is very
interesting and we can travel to other countries equally, we will go to copenhague 2 days,
and sure that we will go to arhus (cite os copenhague).

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ a fantastic travel !!!!!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

The autumn

The autumn is here.
The autumn is one of the

year season that makes
coldest and deciduous

trees lose their leaves.
It is also the season where

the days get shorter
and cooler, the nights are longer.

Now rain very much, or that before.