- two of Portugal
- one of Holland
- three of valencia
- two of France
- two of Denmark
- two of Germany
Eurobite is the name of this encounter (of this year).
The European Comity consist every year the pupils, and some teachers, of the schools of the project gather together in one of the seven countries.
A day of the trip, we meet with all the schools and we teach the show that we have prepared. If all the schools.
My experience with the Europe Comity was really very very nice, because me know that this experience is only, I have been able to know people of other countries, their customs and practice some English.
My danish are Mary, she is 13, three years more little than I. but this isn't problem.
I was in the travel whit Vera, because her danish and Mary are very friends.
Of my mind
I like you blog...very interesting
Hi Cris!
How are you?
I'm finee .. :)
I write in this entry because in Denmark we were together all the time!
I'm very well with you!
I like your blog, and specially the music that you have (panic..)
(post me!)
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